Word or Phrase of the Day:




I like to thank the organizers of the conference for inviting me to be part of the occasion.  I salute you all and welcome all the participants who have come from far and near to attend this conference.  I appreciate your kind invitation to me, but since I am not chanced to attend personally, I have sent one of my chiefs, Chief Nasakhare Isekhure, The Isekhure of Benin to present this goodwill message to make my presence felt amongst you.

    I congratulate the Edo Global Organization, an umbrella organization for Edo�s in Diaspora, and the Edo Community in Manchester, for organizing this conference to rub minds on issues bordering on the well being of its members, and for the common good of your father land.  I have been invited to similar convention organized by the Edo National Association in the United States of America, which holds annually.  I would like to be informed whether your organization is aware4 of this body and if so, what you have done to co-ordinate both activities for a more effective result.  Since your organization carries the tern Global. I feel you are now taking a higher responsibility to harmonize the interest of all Edo people in Diaspora towards increasing the pace of development back home.

    The theme of this Conference Edo Unity A Means to Economic Emancipation of Edo People� is aptly chosen, and also challenging.  It is coming at a time when there is Dare need for self-help efforts to bring about the economic development of our land in far away Edo State of Nigeria.  Government, especially in a developing economy like ours with meager resources at its disposal, is incapacitated to solely effect the development of our homeland. It is therefore dawned on us, especially you, Edos, working and doing business in developed economy, to embark on self help efforts to augment governments own effort to enhance our economic and social development.

    It is challenging because only a united people can forge a common front for economic development.  This is why this Conference, aimed at unifying all Edo�s in Diaspora for the purpose of economic emancipation of our people, is most welcome.  An Adage says that whoever wants to eat or chew kernel must first be ready to crack the shell.  By implication, any people that desire progress must first of all face the onerous task of uniting themselves.  There is strength in Unity, Aand Unity breeds progress.  Moreover, it is unity that serves as tonic that makes people to generously pull their resources together for a joint developmental purpose.  Edo State is endowed with rich human and natural resources that can be effectively exploited b\y the Edo people in Britain, America and other parts of the World, who have aquired the necessary experience, even finance, to invest, for the benefit of both the investor and our people.  No matte how long you stay outside Edo soil, you are still an Edo person and your dream at all times must be on how to support development efforts back home.

    The Palace has heard complaints and fears expressed about come problems of land acquisition in Benin City and its environs.  This is not unique to our state and the problem is not as serious as you hear it.  The palace has put in place certain facilities to enable any of his subjects to have access to land that will be free of disputes, provided such a person is ready and willing tom develop the land for the purpose intended.

    At this juncture, I urge you all to reason with that American leader, who says one must think of what he can do for his country and not what his country can do for him.  This takes us to the idea of ensuring that Edo Unity forges a common economic agenda.  Economic agenda, to me, means, all the programs that can be put together for the purpose of enhancing the well- being of our people both at home and in Diaspora, as well as bringing  about modern infrastructural and technological development of our homeland. I therefore implore you all to make this conference a starting point to put in place measures, including pulling your resources together, to promote the common good of our people and State.

    I further urge you all to shun all divisive tendencies, and remain united to be able to pursue the noble course of human and economic emancipation of our people and State.

    Finally, I enjoin you all to co-exist well with the citizens and other nationals in wherever you are residing, and be very obedient to the laws of the land.  Extend your good hands of fellowship to all and sundry.

    I use this medium to say a big thank you to representatives of some business groups of Benin People from America and Britain who in the recent past came home to donate hospital/ medical equipments to our Government.

    Once again, I thank and commend the Edo Global Organization for organizing this conference and for letting us be a part of it.  I wish all members of the Organization on the participant�s successful deliberations and safe return to your respective destinations at the end of the Conference.

I thank you all for your patience and may God and our ancestors bless you all.






About Edo History and Culture

CORAL BEADS worn by OBA AKENZUA 11 and his chiefs

The Festac Mask - A carving of the Face of Queen Idia - mother of Oba Esigie

OBA OVONRANMWEN before exile

Pictography - a form of writing like the Egyptian Hieroglyphics