s part of our continuing search for a strong platform on which, the entire Edo people, without the burden of partisan political considerations, can unite for development and progress, Edo Okpamakhin in collaboration with Edo Community Association UK, held a round table conference on Edo Nation. The conference was to build a strong platform and design an agenda for Edo People in Nigeria as well as discuss a constitutional framework for Edo
The conference, which had "IN SEACH OF AN EDO AGENDA" as its theme, took place in the Large Common Room of William Goodenough College, Mecklenbuegh Square, London WC1N on Saturday, 23 November 2002.
In attendance were eminent Edo Sons and Daughters from Europe, America and Nigeria some of, which included: Professor Omo Omoruyi, former Director General Centre for Democratic Studies, Abuja, Nigeria, Dr Robson Momoh, former Honourable Commissioner of Education in the Professor Ambrose Ali Government of Bendel State, Mr Sylvester Odion Akhaine, Director General, Centre for Constitutionalism and Democracy, Lagos Nigeria, Tina Iyare, USA, Dr S Obasuyi, Austria, Anthony
Ogogo, Musa Amedu, Sonin Igbinedion, Roxy Iwaegbe, John Okuonghae, Mrs B Ijeh, Ms Marie Otigba, Mabel Irowa, Kede Aihie, Pedro Okojie, Mr Aboiralo, Pius Nehikhare, Mr M Ibude, Mr B Osakue, I Jeguma, S Idiagbonya, A Jimawo, G Osakue, A Aisedionlen, Dr Peter Ozua, S Okoduwa, A Aghedo and M Awo among others.
In facilitating this conference, Edo Okpamakhin and ESCA UK aims to prove that the Government and People can work together without partisan political considerations, to develop Edo State economically, culturally and politically and keep it united for posterity. The conference's immediate objectives were:
To achieve political and cultural harmony of Edo People thereby making them stronger in the Nigerian National equation.
To identify and establish a practicable development agenda for Edo State now and in the future. |
Whereas, Edo State of Nigeria occupies a land mass of 19,281.93 Square Kilometres, is bordered by Koki; Ana bra, Undo and Delta States, is populated by about 2.4 million people and consists of 18 Local Government Areas, 3 Senatorial districts and 9 Federal Constituencies and 24 State Constituencies.
Whereas, we are painfully aware of the huge numbers of Edo people who now reside in Europe, the Americas and the rest of the World and the difficult conditions under which the majority of them live. But we note that bad as this may be, living conditions are much worse at home.
Whereas, it is the fervent desire of Edo Okpamakhin UK and ESCA UK to do something positive to uplift our people and recapture the glorious and chivalric ways of Edo people in the days of the Great Bin Kingdom. That was before the advent of the deceitful British imperialists just over one hundred years ago.
Whereas, our hearts bleed profusely for the desecration of age-old traditional institutions and practices of our people such as the sanctity of marriage, and respect for the bond between and within friends and families. We abhor the scandalous level of social ills and other heinous crimes which relentless poverty has wrought on our people in recent years. We are particularly horrified by the
seeming glorification of these and other crimes in our tradition-loving, peaceful Edo Land. We note that the security of lives and properties can not be guaranteed any longer as a result of a corrupt and ill trained, ill equipped and disorientated police force that is at best, pretending to do its job while criminals reign undisturbed.
Whereas the age-old machinations of our detractor to cause artificial divisions among our people in Bini, Esan, Etsako, Akoko-Edo, and Owan, because they fear our strengths and progressiveness in unity.
Whereas we are gladdened by the free gift of nature with which God has blessed Edo Land. The lush tropical rain forest with the attendant fertile land for agriculture, high quality timber, cotton, rice, crepe, cocoa, palm produce, lime stone, granite, marble, lignite, clay, bitumen, the abundant natural gas reserves, crude oil, and above all, quality manpower among others. |
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Conference resolves to work for a united Nigeria where democracy and good governance, political stability and economic progress are the order of the day.
Conference affirms that a free and egalitarian Nigeria with clean and healthy environment, equity, safety of lives and properties, as well as where the fundamental human rights of all its citizens is guaranteed without regard to ethnicity, religious creed or political philosophy, is dear, supreme and worthy to be preserved.
Conference resolved that henceforth, Edo Okpamakhin be adopted as the agenda-setting umbrella body for the Edo People
Conference calls for the intensive promotion of Edo language and its dialects through interactive for a - formal and informal, with a view to achieving better communication among our people.
Conference notes and urges the State Government to redouble its effort to improve:
The state of affairs in our educational institutions especially at the formative stages of Primary and Secondary schools.
Conference resolved to work for the achievement of real economic development in the State, such as what was witnessed under the visionary and dynamic leadership of Dr Samuel Ogbemudia and Professor Ambrose Ali during their respective administrations; and pays tribute to their selfless service to the people of Edo Nation.
Notes that for Edo State, a State with so much quality human and material resources, and mindful of our Culture and heritage which, makes it the one truly monolithic polity within Nigeria, the best guarantee for unity is, continuous all inclusive dialogue and compromise between government and the people.
That the Traditional Council should be changed to its old name of House of Chiefs and it should also be made to include eminent son and daughters of Edo who has excelled in their chosen fields of endeavours. This we believe would remove this current uncalled for imbroglio in the Edo State Traditional Council. We know the role of our traditional rulers as handed down by our ancestors and we will
continue to respect them for that but we urge them not to be lured into partisan political considerations and become impediment in the wheel of unity and progress of Edo Nation.
Reaffirms that Edo State is a part of the NIGER DELTA of the South-South geo-political region of Nigeria and that a definite Edo Agenda is necessary for full participation along and at par with others like Ijaw, Ibibio, Efik, etc, because they are already well mobilised and active.
Conference emphasises the need for Edo people in leadership position to imbibe the ethics of development politics where the central focus is the advancement of Edo people
Conference stresses the need to reintroduce with greater intensity Edo history and tradition into all tiers of our educational institutions
Conference emphasises the imperatives of unity between the civilian and military elites for the advancement of the interest of Edo people
Conference stresses the threat of encroachment on Edo Land and the need for a conscious developmental presence in Edo frontiers to prevent further territorial aggrandisement by other communities
Conference emphasises the need for Edo to appropriate and exploit its natural endowment and use it as a tool for power bargain
Conference identifies the identity question among the Edos. It acknowledges the fact of a common ancestry as the basis for identity resolution and that further education on this fact will address the matter adequately
Conference recognises the economic empowerment of Edo people through industry and improved objectivity as of primary importance and that this can be done through conscious transformation of the natural endowment of the Edo nation guided by the principle of rural development
Conference notes the need to reconstruct the contributions of prominent Edo sons and daughters to the Nigerian Federation in print and other historical format.
Conferences takes cognisance to the critical political situation in the country and recognises the need for an Edo National Constitution as a basis for negotiating our position in the Nigerian Federation
Conference notes the constitutional framework as presented by the Edo Okpamakhin at home through Dr Robson Momoh and advise that it should be widely circulated for study and debate among Edo People
Conference calls for the immediate convocation of a National conference of all Nigerian Nationalities to discourse the modalities of living together as one |
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Conference suggests that the Edo State Government and Governor Chief Lucky Igbinedion, consider the foregoing points with a sense of responsibility and history; believing also that these will guarantee massive economic development, unity and progress in the State. |
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May God bless Edo Nation and people. And may God bless Nigeria. Oba khato okpere - Ise.