The premier web site of Edo speaking people.Nation of people who are mostly located in the Midwestern part of Nigeria, Western Africa.
The conference was attended by Edo indigenes from different countries mainly in Europe and discussions and paper presentations were facilitated by
Mr Arasomwan Emmanuel Eghe, the President of Edo Union, Hungary who was the Chief Host and
Dr. Stephen Ogbonmwan, President, Edo Global Organization.
Various issues affecting Edo and the development of Edo State and Nigeria in general were deliberated upon. Chief amongst these were the needs to curtail corruption and all its ramifications, provision of free education in keeping with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Federal Government of Nigeria Universal Basic Education programme; improvement of the present health facilities in the state; eradication of god-fatherism in our political lives, provision of security which is an inalienable right of all Edo citizens and the general re-orientation about the ills of acquisition of wealth by through corrupt practices.
CorruptionThe conference delegates expressed their support for President Obasanjo�s campaign against corruption in Nigeria and hope those found wanting be indicted completely and not selectively as touted by some newspaper editors.
The delegates called on Edo State Government to do more to fight corruption and show transparency in all its facets of activities and improve and uphold the rule of law in the state. The greediness of public officials for wealth acquisition should be checked and when detected, punished severely so that it will act as a deterrent to others. The delegates also stressed the need for the general re-orientation of our people�s attitude to wealth acquisition to the detriment of the generality of Edo people especially those who are in a position of trust in the state. These individuals who have been entrusted with governance should live a life worthy of emulation by the electorate.
The delegates to the conference recognized the right of everyone to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health. Consequently, they called on the government to improve the present health facilities. Efforts should be made to reduce peri -natal and maternal morbidity and mortality in the state. The public health officers and medical officers should at all time endeavours to render health services to anyone in need irrespective of their financial situation. Conference noted with satisfaction the news of the commencement of work at the abandoned Women and Children�s Hospital on Sapele Road and called on the State government for a speedy completion of the project.
EducationEducation is the key to sustainable development and an indispensable means for effective participation in the societies. Educational opportunities should be equal, available and free to eradicate illiteracy as stipulated in the 1979 constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria and in accordance with the United Nation Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Delegates called on the State Government to undertake all appropriate legislative, administrative, and other measures for the implementation of the rights recognized in the present UN Convention. That is, everyone has the right to education; and education should be free and available at least up to the secondary school level.
Conference therefore called on Edo State government to implement to the fullest the Federal Government directives on the Universal Basic Education in Edo State.
Consequently, the delegates found it unacceptable, the introduction of school fees by Edo State Government and fully support the State Assembly�s efforts to have this decision reversed. A non-revision of this decision within three and half months would lead to the institution of legal proceedings using contravention of articles 25 and 26 of the UN declaration of Human Rights to which Nigeria is a signatory; against the Governor, members of his executive council especially the Deputy Governor and or the Education Commissioner whenever they visit any of our member countries in Europe or the Americas. Members of affiliate organizations are hereby called upon to treat this issue with all seriousness as basic education is the most important single means with which we can move our people out of poverty and to deny the people this basic right is to sentence them to a life of perpetual penury.
God-Fatherism. God-fatherism is a hindrance to democratic process in Nigeria and Edo State in particular. Conference agreed that, for elected officers to have credibility, due process should be observed during elections and leadership should evolve from the grassroots; win ward elections, then progress to win local government elections and finally senatorial district elections in that stepwise manner. For any single individual godfather to just impose anybody on the electorate leaves a sour taste and this type of action should be confronted and resisted strongly with all constitutional means available.
On securityThe delegates recognised that the high unemployment rate in the state has lured people into criminal activities. The risk to lives is scaring potential investors away from Edo state and to help alleviate or solve these problems of lack of jobs, the Edo in Diaspora have been called upon to establish small self �sustaining business enterprises in Edo Land to provide gainful employment to our unemployed. The contribution of His Royal Highness Omo n� Oba n� Edo to the Nigerian Police in its� fight against crime was highly appreciated and should be emulated by all well meaning Edo at home or in Diaspora.
The present Edo State government has a duty to the indigenes of the state and to the various communities that constitute it to give all of its best always; also it has a responsibility to strive for the best for the State at national level always. A situation where Edo State is short changed by patronage from the Federal Government due to the unfriendly and sometimes uncompromising attitude of the state government to the federal government is deplorable and unacceptable. The Lucky Igbinedion government is hereby called upon to properly utilize the allocations from the Federal Government to develop infrastructures for the benefit of the people in the State. The money so far accrued to Edo State government as published by the Federal Finance Ministry over the last seven years should be at least visible in infra structural sense on a visit by any Diaspora Edo to the State.
Conference called on all Edo indigenes especially those in Diaspora to be their brothers� keepers by assisting as they have been doing especially in investing in the education of their relatives and friends.
It was resolved that to strengthen Edo Global Organisation and to encourage the various Edo Organisations with similar aims to cooperate with it in the actualisation of their objectives of moving Edo State forwards economically and socially, the delegates requested for a follow-up meeting of the Presidents and or representatives of the various Edo Unions to co-ordinate activities for the progress of Edo Global Organisation and to workout ways of continuously raising awareness among their members. It was suggested that the follow-up meeting would also discuss ways the various organisations can contribute financially and otherwise to the effective running of Edo Global Organisation. During that meeting, the next host country will be approved by consensus.
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