Word or Phrase of the Day:
(Edo) Iwene: 14 (Fourteen)
(Guosa) Fénsà: pencil
(Edo) Ene: 4 (Four)
(Guosa) Ból: ball
(Guosa) báasì, mó tí shìhé kófà: yes, I have opened the door
(Edo) Uri eva or Aria eva: 400 (Four Hundred)(200x2)
(Guosa) m'á: shall/will
(Edo) Aria isen eva: 2,000 (Two Thousand)(2 x 1000)
(Guosa) ìmà: knowing, knowingly
(Edo) Eva: 2 (Two)
(Edo) Owo / Okpa: 1 (One)
(Edo) Iweva : 12 (Twelve)
(Guosa) mó mà: I know
(Edo) Iy-eva: 40(20 x 2)
(Edo) Ọmwan ẹmwanta / Ọmwenmwanta: Honesty
(Edo) (E)k-igbe s-iy-eha: 50 (Fifty){(20 x 3) - 10}
(Edo) Ogba: 30 (Thirty)
(Edo) Ihiri: 9 (Nine)
(Edo) Iy-ise: 100 (One Hundred)(20 x 5)
(Guosa) fòjí: break
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