The premier web site of Edo speaking people.Nation of people who are mostly located in the Midwestern part of Nigeria, Western Africa.
Edo from SaoTome and principe
According to Ferraz (1978)The language that feature most prominently in the Sao Tomense Portuguese based creole are Bini, better known as Edo ....and Kongo. Ferraz evidence shows that people from the Niger Delta and we can interprete his Edo in a broader sense to include other Edoid and related languages and dialects such as Edo(Bini), Isoko, Urhobo (all Edoid) Isekiri ended up speaking a kind of pidgin portuguese. Proof of this is supplied by the impressive list of words of Edoid (especially Edo orBini origin in Sao Tomense as reported by Ferraz (1978). Sao Tome and principe is an island on the Gulf of Benin and situated near modern day Gabon. Item Sao Tomense(ST)*********** Glossary *****************Edo(Bini) 1. Lele **********************Accompany, follow** *********Le`le 2. punda ********************Because, because of **********rhun-da(runuda) 3 lululu *********************dark (of the sky before rain)**** duduudu,nununu 4 fofo **********************blow (of wind) ***************ho`ho _____cf.Yekhee(auchi) fo`fo 5. ubwe ********************Body ***********************gbe 6. oko *********************Calabash ********************Uko 7. bobo ********************carry an infant on the back. *****oo(vo`vo)vbovbo 8. go ***********************shout ***********************go` 9. ize ***********************small crayfish found in rivers ****ize 10. potopoto ****************ideophone of drenching ********ijo potopoto (ideophone of mudiness) 11. dede ********************embrace ********************de`de 12. we ***********************eye ***********************Gbari:we Twi hwe, Edo (he)look 14. akele *******************frog *************************Ekire(Ekile)__ yor:Akere ,Igbo:akiri 15. lolo ********************lick **************************la`lo 16. idu *********************louse *************************Iru` 17. odo ********************mortar ************************odo ,Yor: odo, Urhobo:odo 18. utu ********************mould (fungus) ******************utu, otu 19. yo *********************to please ***********************yo "high" 20.dumu ******************to pound ***********************duu dumwun 21. ye *********************to please *********************** ye 22. a **********************pronoun unmarked for person or number*** a (common edoid form) 23. ko *********************resemble ***********************xo kho 24. -o *********************respect tag in greetings ************Edo(bini) form not given___ cf Esan dialect: Bodia ye- how are you? 25. ku ********************rubbish *************************ku 26 galo ********************search,look for ******************gwalo 27. kwe ********************seed ,grain, pip, berry *************ikpe 28. va **********************spilt ***************************va 29. muja *******************wait, stand **********************mudia, Esan: mudia Agbede, mujia 30.budu *******************stone ***************************Grebo bodo stone (but cf Edoid udo stone) 31. oka *********************a big tree ***********************oka 32. Aba ********************branch, Twi: *********************aba, Igbo:aba 33. ubwa *******************fence, enclosure *******************ugba 34. obo ********************wilderness ************************ogo .
_______________________________________________________________________________ Are we surprise that the people of the Islands Sao Tome and Principe speak Edo language? San Tome and Principe was the maritime headquarters of the Portuguese during the 14th through 16th century as they traded with the Edos. Since the Oba of Benin was the most powerful paramount ruler in Southern Nigeria before the intervention fo the British, the Portuguese had a strong link to the Edos and Benin City. There were movement of the Edos either as freemen or slaves to work in Portuguese ships and farms. They stayed, lived and died there. When they left Benin, they took Edo language and cultuure with them. It is their descendant ( Edos) that we are talking about today. They are speaking the language of their fore fathers. There is even doubt in some historical quarters that, when an Oba of Benin was reportedly sent to Portuguese schools in Lisbon, it may have been the Island of Sao Tome and Principe. Majority of the inhabitants of these two Islands are Edo derived. Iyi Eweka |
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