The Chairman, Guests Speaker, Special Guests, Brothers and Sisters, today is a unique day in the history of Edo people as Edos in Diaspora on this side of the Atlantic gather together for the common purpose of working in the interest of our people in Edo State in particular and our country Nigeria in general. Since my attendance at an ENA meeting in the USA, where I observed that the calibre of Edo people, the skill mix of the participants and their enthusiasm for a better Edo State; I surmised that these qualities can be utilised as a force for good in our homeland. You are aware that there are many Edo Associations in the nook and crannies of the globe where membership ranges from only 2 to as many as 100 as in London in the United Kingdom. While these various associations are working to achieve something on the ground in Edo State, their impact will be minimal or non -at all as they all lack the capacity to effect any noticeable changes on the lives of Edo people. To have the desired impact on the lives of our parents, brothers and sisters in Edo State, it is desirable that we come together as one and work in harmony for the common good. We must make yourselves deaf to the clamouring voices of those who say we are doomed, that our situation is irredeemable, that we are meant to be the way we are, that nothing can be done, that the process for change cannot be done. With the full participation and co-operation of all we shall attain the desirable height and ultimately soar over all our problems in Edo State.
There are no better group of individuals that can be a force for change in the land of our birth than ourselves, the Edos in Diaspora. We know our culture in depth, we know our people, we know our deficiencies as compared to what is available in our host countries. We can evaluate what is lacking in Edo Land compared to what is available in our host countries, we can judge, decide what should be available in our country based on our exposure in our host countries. It is therefore obvious that we occupy a unique position in the struggle to change the lives of Edo people and Nigerians in general for good and for forever.
This therefore is a call to duty, a call to make sacrifices, a call to put the smile back on the sad faces in our homeland of Edo State.
Today, nations have conquered the moon, the race is on to land on Mars and Jupiter and we cannot feed our selves, cloth our people, provide good housing for our people, provide safe, available, and portable water for our people, treat our people when they are ill or reduce maternal and peri-natal morbidity and mortality , reduce the fatal spread of HIv/AIDS in our population. My question is what are our lives for? if we cannot clamour for these facilities for our deprived people. It is obvious that our governments are not doing enough, their efforts also is undermined by corrupt officers with itchy palms; but the stark truth is, the government cannot do it alone. The government must have the full co-operation of all her citizens both at home and abroad to effect these desirable changes. That is where the co-operation of all Edos in Diaspora is solicited.
It is not for me to enumerate our problems here, as they are well known to all of us but it is our duty to find solutions to these problems. There is no longer time for irresponsible and destructive criticisms, we want solutions to Edo State and Nigerias problems and we want it now. It is for this reason we have brought together eminent speakers and academics to examine these problems and proffer solutions. It is hoped that when this conference is concluded we would have produced a working blue print to serve as a resource for ourselves, the government of Edo State as well as other States of the Federal Republic of Nigeria as our problems are very similar. We should be happy to do this for our homeland as other nationals have been doing this for several years. The American Jews power the Isreali economy, the Indians, Parkistanis, Bangladeshis in Diaspora are all helping their people, we should emulate this good and enviable attitude and behaviour. It is time to think less of ourselves as individual but rather to think of ourselves as belonging to the same sea of souls as our less fortunate brothers and sisters. That their problems are our problems, that their happiness, our joy, and their misery, also our sadness.
It is our desire that at the end of this conference we would have initiated the unification of all Edo Nations Association in Diaspora especially in Europe, we would have created a solid foundation for this type of conference or convention to be held annually by a sister Edo Nation Association as host is this or another country with the same or similar aim and objective, we would have found tangible solutions to some of our problems, we would have initiated the selection of a leadership and advisory council. Finally we would have sown a seed in the heart and minds of all participants. We hope these seeds will grow to facilitate our unity, the seed will grow to energise our determination to turn things for the better for our people, that the seeds will grow to become a focal point for our desire for better health, tolerance, trust, good governance, co-operation, community effort, enhancement of our peoples security eradication of corruption, and all the ills and vices that have prevented us from soaring in our flight.
We have already initiated moves to work with our brothers and sisters across the Atlantic in Edo Nations Association of the Americas. This is a new BEGINNING and must be viewed as such. All hands must therefore be on deck as we request the co-operation of all to achieve this laudable objective in the interest of our people. Many hands they say make a light job. We shall ultimately get to our destination of a sustainable economy for the well being of our people and the Edo generation yet unborn. To succeed we must make the sacrifices today or history will look unfavourably on us.
My brothers and Sisters, distinguished guests from Nigeria, Italy, Germany, Austria, South Africa and America, the members of Edo Global Organization and Edo Community in Manchester have the singular honour and priviledge to welcome all of you to this unique conference in the historic city of Manchester in England. Please make yourselves feel at home as the people of Manchester are very hospitable and used to looking after foreigners and guests having recently hosted a very successful Commonwealth games.
Thank you all.
October 2003.