Word or Phrase of the Day:
(Edo) Erere: 8 (Eight)
(Edo) Uri or Aria okpa: 200 (Two Hundred)
(Guosa) tí kùndé: awoke
(Edo) Ọmwan ẹmwanta / Ọmwenmwanta: Honesty
(Edo) Ekesugie: 15 (Fifteen)
(Edo) Iy-ise: 100 (One Hundred)(20 x 5)
(Guosa) Líttáfí: book
(Edo) Aria isen igbe: 10,000 (Ten Thousand)(10 x 1000)
(Guosa) fòjí lá: broken
(Edo) Uri eva or Aria eva: 400 (Four Hundred)(200x2)
(Guosa) Kwàndó: basket
(Edo) Iweva : 12 (Twelve)
(Edo) Oworo: 11 (Eleven)
(Guosa) mà: Know
(Guosa) báasì, mó tí shìhé kófà: yes, I have opened the door
(Edo) Ener-ovbu-ugie: 16 (Sixteen)(4 out of 20)
(Edo) Aria isen aria isen aria isen: 1,000,000,000 (One Billion) (1000 x 1000 x 1000)
(Edo) Eha-irovb-ugie: 17 (Seventeen) (3 out of 20)
(Edo) Aria isen aria isen : 1,000,000 (One Million)(1000 x 1000)
(Guosa) ó tí mà: you have known
Saturday, Dec 21, 2024
17 (Seventeen) (3 out of 20)
Test your knowledge of Edo languages.